Case History: Gabi's story

I'm 34, married, no children and live in London. I work as an IT consultant.

My periods were never a problem, more of a slight inconvenience really. My story starts nine years ago, when I was around twenty-five, my periods had become very heavy and painful. I thought this was how periods should be and that I'd been lucky up until then. So I put up with the pain, cramps, headaches and general "grotty feeling" for about a year. I then saw my GP, who referred me to a gynaecologist. My first visit was disappointing to say the least. I was told that periods can be pretty unpleasant and to come and see them again if the symptoms persist. Well after about two years a laparoscopy confirmed I had moderate Endometriois. I was put on a course of tablets to reduce the pain and inflammation. These tablets didn't really help with the symptoms but added side-effects to my list of complaints. After about a year I was put on a course of Zoladex injections. Very painful injection into the abdomen once a month. Now, at no time had I been told that there is no cure for Endometriosis, the drug treatments can only ease the symptoms. Zoladex in effect makes you menopausal, thus stopping you periods. The lack of bleeding causes the endo-sites to decrease in size and shrivel up. This seemed to make sense to me and so I put up with side-effects; hot flushes, night sweats, headaches, nausea, exhaustion, mood swings and depression, because I genuinely thought this treatment would cure me. How naive.

Well all was well for about a year, then the symptoms came back. So another laparoscopy confirmed Endometriosis was still present. So I was put on the pill to ease the bleeding and pain and given Coproximal, an anti-inflammatory pain killer, which I took pretty much constantly, this it, turns out as not a good idea. I had been told I could take as many Coproximal as I needed, so I'm afraid I did.

About two years ago I was finally given laser surgery to burn away the endo-sites. My condition was moderate-severe and my left ovary had become stuck to the cavity wall and there were a lot of adhesions. The surgery was a success, and I was skipping about with joy because I felt so well. But then nine months later it was back with a vengeance.

I returned to my gynaecologist to discuss my options. I understood this was not going to go away, but wanted to know if there was anything I could do help myself. I was told that surgery was not an option so soon, but they could prescribe a contraceptive pill which can be taken constantly, thus stopping my periods for six to nine months, which may decrease the size of the endo-sites. That sounded good news to me. But when I read the booklet that came with the pills the side-effects sounded so severe I decided to put up with the "natural" pain.

By this time I was a very unwell bunny. I felt ill for three weeks a month. There were many different symptoms: constant sever ache in the abdomen, shooting and throbbing pain on my left side, shooting pains in my bottom, headaches, extreme bloating most of the time, before my period I felt like I was about to give birth to triplets. Exhaustion and nausea when the pain was really bad. Ovulation was like a full blown period. I couldn't use tampons and the pads just made me feel even bigger. The blood was very dark and smelly, I felt like I was rotting from the inside out. On top of these symptoms periods made me feel dirty.

I had managed to programme my periods to start on a Saturday, so I was able to spend the weekends in bed. Intercourse was impossible, although my husband was very understanding and supportive it was difficult not to get depressed. We still had sex but not intercourse, I would sometimes demand intercourse, but would be in so much pain for days afterwards, it really wasn't worth it. I had a hot water bottle at work and used to spend a lot of time hanging onto the radiator in my office, I couldn't walk any distance and I was so exhausted all the time. We had to plan our life around my monthly cycle. I used to retire to bed most of the time, I think this was more depression than anything. I hated having to cancel social events or even visiting my parents. People were very sympathetic but I felt so very "pathetic". Life was not good.

I'd read a lot books, many of which touched on the nutrition, and felt that it may be time to seek alternative help. I read Dian's book from cover to cover. It all made so much sense. I got her number from a friend of a friend. But I delayed making that call, I think I was afraid of another treatment not working, what would I do then? I know this was the wrong attitude, but it wasn't until later I came to that realisation.

My life changed over a year ago. My period had come a day early, I had to take a day off work. As an IT Manager my work involved a lot of stress, running up and down stairs and humping heavy computer equipment from place to place. There's no way I could function with my period. It was like a battle and my Endometriosis seemed to be winning. I finally made the call to the clinic from my bed. I was in tears and the receptionist was really sympathetic. I was amazed, over the years I have seen many medical people, and I can't say that any of them were sympathetic, I wasn't expecting sympathy, but it would have been nice on occasion.

I saw Dian, we discussed my condition, lifestyle and diet. She prescribed multi vitamins, minerals and fish oils. These were to give me a booster, as I was so low. I was to give up wheat, citrus, chocolate and coffee and reduce diary. Increase fruit, vegetables and oily fish, drink more water, and generally avoid very processed foods. I decided I would make real effort and stick to the guidelines for a month to see what happened. I celebrated this with a cappuccino and large piece of cheesecake, followed by an orange.

I kept a diary, recorded what I ate and how I felt. It was a really useful process, I could refer back to see how well I was doing or not. I thought about what I ate, and ate regularly, I'd never had such exotic breakfasts! I knew that we eat food because our bodies need it, I knew I should eat fruit regularly, but just never fancied it.

Well, after three days I felt fantastic, I had loads of energy, I didn't look so drawn. My husband said he could always tell the level of pain I was in by my eyes. My eyes seemed bigger and brighter. I looked forward to food, and ENJOYED fruit. I had my period ten days later, it was amazing, it hurt but was manageable, I almost enjoyed it (that was weird). The blood was bright red and, due to major systems failure at work, I had to work on the weekend. I couldn't believe it, not only was I actually standing up during my period, I was working too.

It's over a year now since I first met Dian, and I am a different person. I wonder how much I have cost the NHS over the years in drugs, surgery and consultations, which weren't a successful as nutritional awareness has been. It seems wheat is my real problem, because I eat so well my body can tolerate occasional accidental wheat consumption. I am very finely tuned and so if I do eat something that upsets me I know pretty much immediately and usually drink lots of water and cranberry juice, which seems to ease the symptoms. I had an amazing experience recently that confirmed my intolerance. I had a piece of chocolate cake, a real treat, which I was told was gluten free. After a few mouthfuls I found it physically hard to swallow. Within about ten minutes I felt very tired and withdrawn. Later that afternoon I had a pain in my left side, and found it difficult to speak coherently. I knew something was wrong. I remembered I'd have a piece of quiche too at the lunch and thought maybe the flour used was the problem. Well it turned out it was a wheat flour, but the gluten had been removed. It's the wheat that effects me. I was very ill the next day. I was amazed at the severity of my reaction. I felt ill and tired the following week and an accidental intake of wheat really effected me. It wasn't nice feeling ill again but it confirmed to me just how well I maintain my diet.

The point I want to get across is that I'm an ordinary girl, I lead an ordinary life; I sometimes stay out late and drink beer, but now I think about what I eat and I've got my life back. It isn't hard to change your diet because the rewards are immediate and your body takes control. Your body will let you know what vitamins and minerals you're lacking through cravings for different foods. In a way I'm glad I was so ill when I first saw Dian because the change in me was immediate and immense. You don't have to live a miserable and painful life. There is help out there. I hope you are able to change your life like I have, and wish you long good health.