Improve digestion after surgery

Recovering Digestive Health after Surgery for Endometriosis

Your surgery for endometriosis may require considerable preparation of the bowels prior to the operation. If laser or any other surgery is to involve the bowel, then there is a real danger of peritonitis developing afterwards if the bowel is perforated. The bowel can be completely emptied prior to surgery by removing fibre from the diet completely for a few days followed by taking laxatives and finally, by drinking large quantities (around 5 litres) of saline/electrolyte solution. This program will effectively empty then wash out the whole intestine. Thus, if the bowel is perforated during surgery, deliberately to remove adhesions or even accidentally, there will be the absolute minimum leakage of bacteria into the peritoneum.

This is all very well, but afterwards, there is hell to pay! The recovery period after an operation is not the ideal time to have your immunity compromised due to poor digestion and Nature will appreciate a helping hand in recovering your normal digestive balance. Your intestines contain 4 lbs of good bacteria, which support your immune system, provide B vitamins and vitamin K to improve your digestion. Once these are washed out your digestion will suffer unless they are relaced within a 3 week period. There are four main thrusts to the campaign which are outlined below:

If you have had to do the full gut emptying routine before your surgery, it will probably take four or five days before you pass your first stool and in the days prior to this, you will experience the most astonishing rumblings imaginable. Don't forget that the gas used in laparoscopic surgery is slow to disperse - it all has to be absorbed and excreted by your body. Some makes it way into your intestine with subsequent bloating and gassy feelings. Two homoeopathic remedies are very useful here - Carbo Veg - good for helping you deal with the gas and Nux Vomica - good for settling things down. If Nux Vomica suits you you will find it astonishingly effective at quietening those very loud and persistent rumbles. The 30c potency of each should suffice, take as often as necessary (suck the pills in a clean mouth between meals and drinks), stop when improvement occurs and take again if symptoms return. If these remedies don't seem to work for you at all, stop taking them. (Never use coffee and mints when using homeopathic remedies as beng diuretics you nullify the tablets actions).

You will need to be prepared because you will certainly not feel like going shopping the day after your operation, so stock up on the supplements and remedies beforehand. Remember to have your fidge full of healthy fruits and vegetables to speed up your healing. Vitamin C, E and zinc speed up healing of scar tissue.

Good luck!