Nutritional information

Supplements: are they necessary?

'Vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in preserving and
maintaining health and restoring it in diseased patients'.
Carl Pfeiffer,MD. PhD.

Supplements of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids taken for three to six months may help to replenish your body cells. When the body is ill it requires the building blocks of life to restore its vitality and renew failing cells. By taking nutritional supplements you can support the digestive, immune and reproductive systems and improve the body's healing potential. Remember that the body is striving to be well all the time. The only way the body has to heal itself is through the nutrients we eat, which allow renewal to occur. If the diet is deplete in nutrients or the GI tract is damaged then body cells will sustain damage.

Take a course of basic supplements for three to six months whilst the diet is being corrected.
Daily take one each of the following: