About this site

This site is brought to you by the Endometriosis and Fertility Clinic

This is a small family run company set up and organised to use nutrition to help women with endometriosis overcome the pain, suffering and other symptoms associated with this disease. It also helps couples acheive a better chance of natural conception, or supports the body and improves the chances of assisted pregnancies.

Primarily using the methods set down by Dian Shepperson Mills who has spent a long time researching into endometriosis and fertility issues for both sexes. The information on this web site we have tried to keep equitable. We are all entitled to an informed choice in order to help us to make the correct decisions for our own individual needs. This site will try to show orthodox and complementary options so that you have a wide range of choices available to you. Each one of us is a uinique being and what helps one person will not work in the same way to the next, we have to seek our own way. Use the means which feel right to you, if a treatment feels wrong then maybe it is the wrong option for you. Learn to use your own intuition, it will rarely let you down.

Dian Shepperson
Cert Ed. Nutrition
BA Education & Psychology
Dip ION Nutrition
MA Health Education